Broadcast intelligently distributes files to schools using identifiers in the uploaded file and folder names.
Broadcast determines the audience for a file using the Underscore character. For example, an uploaded file named 3034159_Targets.xls will be received by only the school with the DfE number 3034159.
The underscore is the identifier in the file name, which lets the system know when the rule ends and the file name begins. Everything to the left of the underscore will be treated as the naming rule. If the file name contains multiple underscores, Broadcast won't recognise it and will be treated as a global file.
Starting a file name with a school's six-digit URN or seven-digit establishment number followed by an underscore will ensure only that school receives that file. Files contained in a folder that is named according to the same naming convention will ensure only that school receives all the files within that folder. Please note that the naming rules only work on the file and one parent folder. A naming convention on a folder two levels up won't apply to anything two-levels below it in the folder structure.
In Perspective or Perspective Lite, the establishment number will be trimmed from the file name of this document. When an uploaded folder contains a school identifier, that school will receive all the files within that folder. For example, you upload a folder named "136485_xxx" containing files called Attainment.pdf, Awards.ppt and Attendance.txt. These three files will be distributed to the school with the URN of 136485.
Similarly, it is possible to distribute the same file or folder of files to a cluster of schools using a Broadcast feature called Broadcast Groups. Please see the Broadcast Groups guide for more information.
What are global files?
Global Files are files that are sent to all schools. Providing your Local Authority has opted into this functionality; you can upload files without any prefixes on them to ensure that all schools see them.
By default, the functionality of the global file is switched OFF, and if you try to send a global file, it will be deleted immediately after publishing.
If you wish to opt into global files, please contact
Please Note - If your LA opt-in to Global files: If you incorrectly name a file or send a file to a school that doesn't exist on Nexus, Broadcast won't be able to find a match and will, therefore, send this file to all schools. Broadcast does notify you that a file will be sent globally at the point of publishing, and confirmation of this is also emailed to your Nexus Administrators.
If Broadcast is used to distribute Nova Batch Reporting reports to schools, you must remember to select either a folder structure that ends in DfE or the 'none' folder option. If another folder structure is selected, the reports will be treated as global reports by Broadcast and shared with all schools.
Mask | Example | Description | Rule applied to file | Rule applied to folder |
URN | 124355_Finance.xlxs |
The name is a URN belonging to a school in the LA. |
The file will be uploaded to the school with that URN only and the document will be named Finance.xlxs. |
The folder and its contents will be uploaded to the school with that URN only. The folder name will be the URN. |
DfE Number | 9012014_Finance.xlxs |
The name is a seven-digit DfE number belonging to a school in the LA. Please note that this does not work with four digit establishment numbers. |
The file will be uploaded to the school with that establishment number only. The document will be named Finance.xlxs. |
The folder and its contents will be uploaded to the school with that establishment number only. The folder name will be the establishment number. |
Group | Primary_Finance.xlxs | The name matches a Broadcast school group. | The file will be uploaded to all schools within the Broadcast group named Primary. It will be named Finance.xlxs. | The folder and its contents will be uploaded to all schools within the Broadcast group named Primary. |
No mask | Finance.xlxs | There are no identifiers. | If your LA has global files on, the file will be uploaded to all schools. If your LA has global files off, the file will be deleted. | If your LA has global files on, the folder and its contents will be uploaded to all schools. If your LA has global files off, the folder and its contents will be deleted. |