Broadcast Tab in Nexus Schools

Will Veevers
Will Veevers
  • Updated

It is possible for users that have access to Nexus, but not Broadcast, to view the documents that you upload to schools. In Nexus, each school has a Broadcast tab that is available when you select the school from the Schools section. This section displays a preview of what the school will see in their Perspective Documents Pool.


A Nexus user with an access level of Standard or above will be able to view the Broadcast tab for every school that is in your LA. Users that only have Restricted access will only see the Broadcast tab for schools that they are associated with (via the Schools tab within their User Account Page).

The Broadcast tab within Schools shows you a definitive view of the files that schools can see. This is different to the School View within Broadcast, which uses rules and naming conventions to predict where unpublished files will go.

If you need to check whether a school have received a file you have sent, or want to make sure that you haven't shared the wrong file, use the Broadcast tab within Nexus > Schools.