Confidential Files Overview & Dashboard

Will Veevers
Will Veevers
  • Updated

In an era where data security is paramount, Confidential Files provides a robust and user-friendly platform that empowers local authorities to send sensitive information to designated recipients within schools. This module ensures that confidential files reach the right hands and assures your LA that the correct person is accessing the files shared.

In Broadcast, you can send files that are marked as 'Confidential'. A confidential file is a file that you specifically mark for either all users with a specific role or for a particular user.

Have a sensitive document that you only need the Finance Manager at each school to see? Using our Role distribution functionality, you can make sure that happens in just a few clicks!

For more information on sharing confidential files with specific users or roles, click here. 


Confidential Files Dashboard

To access confidential files, navigate to Broadcast > Confidential Files.


Confidential Files Dashboard.PNG


The confidential files dashboard lists all your schools and the current status of their users, roles, files, and upload history.

By default, this list is ordered by the latest upload date to keep everything as current as possible. You can always change this by clicking on a different column heading. 

At the top of the page are two filters that allow you to focus on specific schools, users or roles. Select a school from the Schools dropdown, and the Users/Roles option will become available to filter on a specific staff member or role.


Viewing a School

Using the filters to search for or select a school from the All Schools list will change the display to a school-specific view.


Confidential Files Dashboard - School Select.PNG

Here, you can see all the users inside a school and the status of any confidential files sent to them. 

List All Files gives you a clear overview of who has been sent specific files inside the school so that you can see those transactions easily.

List All Roles shows you all the roles in your LA and who in that particular school has been assigned to each role.

If you choose to list all files, you can see exactly what has been sent. Clicking on a file will download it to your device. The options icon allows you to interact further with the files.

These options are covered in the Editing & Deleting Confidential Files help guide.


Viewing a School User/Role

You can view files shared with specific school users or roles by using the Users/Roles dropdown. 

User Role Dropdown.PNG


This will allow you to see all previously sent files for that specific person or for the role in that school. 





What Does the School User See?

In Perspective, confidential files are available to the relevant staff member via the LA Documents > My Confidential Files folder. It will look something like this:


Confidential Files.PNG

Please note that if a school subscribes to Perspective Premium, their view may differ slightly from the above image.

You can find Perspective Lite and Perspective Premium help guides for your schools below:

Perspective Lite Confidential Files

Perspective Premium Confidential Files


A file sent confidentially will remain in the school's Perspective system until the LA deletes it via the Confidential Files area of Broadcast.

If you have any queries, please contact