Broadcast allows you to upload files saved in several common file formats. You can also upload zipped folders containing a number of documents, saving you from having to upload files individually.
Whether the files are to be sent to individual schools or all the schools in the LA, the upload process you will follow is the same.
If you'd like to target specific staff members in a school, you can use the Confidential Files module.
Three steps are involved in making a file visible to a school via Broadcast. These steps are ‘Upload’, ‘Save’ and ‘Publish’.
Providing you have access to Broadcast, you will see the Broadcast option in your main Nexus toolbar. If you can't see this and believe you should have access, please speak to your LA Nexus Administrator.
When you click on the Broadcast option, you are taken to the LA View. This area is your control panel for uploading new files and accessing all documents your Local Authority has previously uploaded.
Before publishing to schools, you can check the School View. This shows you a preview of what your schools will see before you even publish the file. This is for security purposes to ensure files are sent to the correct establishments. Please refer to the What is the School View guide for more details.
Uploading a File
Before you upload a file, you must ensure it is named correctly, depending on which schools you wish to have access to it. A quick overview can be found in this section; however, for more information on this, please read the Broadcast Concepts guide.
Broadcast determines which schools see a file depending on the name of the file. Files can be sent to individual schools, groups or all schools.
To send files to individual schools: The file or folder name must start with either the six-digit URN or the seven-digit DfE number, followed by an underscore.
To send files to a group of schools, The file or folder name must start with the exact name of your group, followed by an underscore.
To send files to all schools: The file or folder name can be anything, provided it does not match a specific school or group.
Once you are happy with the file/folder names, you can upload your documents.
To upload a file, from the tree view on the left of the LA view, click on the folder you wish to upload to. The folder's name will turn green to indicate it has been selected. It will also be displayed as the selected folder on the right-hand side panel.
Click on the Upload button. This will take you to the upload page where you can choose to upload a brand new file/zipped folder, or you can upload from the ‘Broadcast Cloud’. For more information on the Broadcast Cloud, see this guide.
If you upload a brand new file from your PC, it will display here, highlighted green. Click Upload File to proceed.
You will be presented with a progress bar to confirm the upload is occurring. Please note that this may take longer when uploading a ZIP with several files inside. Once complete, click Start.
If you chose a file from the cloud, you will be taken straight back into the LA View without going through this upload process.
When the upload has finished, the file and folders will appear in the LA View tree with icons to indicate its status. There is a key on the left-hand side of the page, displaying what each icon means.
Once you have uploaded a file or folder, you will find the items in the selected folder of the LA View. For more information on the LA View, please see the What is the LA View guide.
Now that the file has been uploaded, you can save this in Broadcast by clicking the Save button within the Broadcast Options panel. You will then be asked to confirm this. Broadcast will alert you to any files you save that will be sent as global files. For more information on global files, view the Broadcast Concepts guide.
Once you have uploaded a file, you must click Save. Otherwise, the file/folder will be lost if you log out of Broadcast or publish other changes you have made to your files or folders.
Once you have saved a file, the icon next to it will be updated to indicate it has been saved. Your file is still not visible to schools at this point.
Once saved, we recommend you check the School View area of Broadcast to ensure the files are sent to the right schools, as shown below.
A school will not be able to see documents that have been uploaded to Broadcast until they
are published. To publish a file, click the Publish button within the Broadcast Options panel.
The Publish option will become available once you have saved the file or folders that have
been uploaded. When you click on the Publish button, the small icon next to the file name will disappear, and your file will now be visible to schools via Perspective or Perspective Lite.
If you attempt to publish files or folders that have not been saved, they will not be published and instead will be removed from the tree.
Once a file is published, it will then be displayed in the corresponding schools folder in
Perspective Lite with a NEW tag next to the file name. This tag remains on the file for 30 days after
For information on how your schools access documents via Perspective Lite, click here.